Monday, April 12, 2010

Erin Edges Out time

Bahahahaha, Barbie may be leading the war but I just won a battle judging by this post she threw up yesterday. Someone has not been training as hard as she should be considering she signed up for a marathon! Not that I am knocking her, the thought of even signing up makes me exhausted.

Yesterday, I hit up Twitter to discover someone (Barbie...) had obviously indulged in just as many cocktails as I had Saturday. We had both planned 6 milers but Barbie decided it just wasn't gonna happen.

I had made the same decision until I saw that tweet. It was all the motivation I needed to just once BEAT BARBIE. A haha, I can run hungover and you can't if you will. I know it's horrid how competitive I am. Especially considering, I'm annoyed that she beat a time I ran a year ago in an event I haven't run since but whatever gets you going! And the fact that she is my friend and running companion but she knows it's all in fun (I think!) and I try to motivate her as much as she has motivated me without even trying.

So last night at 9:15 pm, I headed out into my apt complex to complete six laps around the apartment (which is actually a 10K I found out). And the more I ran, the better I felt. It was as though I could feel the toxins leaving my body as I pounded the pavement.

Of course, what could have been a nice easy run immediately turned into a let's see how many times we can lap this guy who was out running as well. Unfortunately, I think he only ran about 2.5 miles but whatever, I'll take it!

Updated standings:
Barbie- 2

1 comment:

...Barbie... said...

ok. it is on. for real (or so i say). barbie has to get her ass in gear. a little friendly competition never hurt anyone right?!