Monday, August 9, 2010

Monday Musings

  • Moving is a bitch. No really, a bitch. Unpacking is the worst.
  • My alma mater is the number one party school. Clearly the voters missed the Miley Cyrus ripoff orientation video in the previous post. WTF is that?
  • Why is furniture so fucking expensive? How do poor people furnish their apartments?
  • Apparently, if you hit enter in the wrong spot, this will post without being completed. So if you follow in google reader or something, check back for updates. Whoops.
  • I can't get internet until fucking Friday. So this will be a boring week. Guess I could unpack all my shit.
  • A company I sent my resume to a while back just sent me a job posting for a part time Account Coordinator. Which sounds like a cool gig except for that whole part time thing. Because the job posting says 75% travel. I can't live off a part time gig so I'd need a second job which would be IMPOSSIBLE if I was traveling. How the hell can anyone take a part time gig that involves 75% travel? It doesn't even make sense.
  • I feel like I need to hit enter after each bullet so it updates in your reader. Thus elongating the process of posting. Which is already long since I have to wait for shit to come to me. The brain is not functioning today.
  • Homeslice and Clearly. Two words I have been using entirely too much. Can't stop. Won't stop.
  • I wish I had honed in on a marketable talent back in high school. So I could have put the hard work in on Mommy's tab as opposed to my own. Also, I wish life was like the movies and I could be Jenna Dewan in Step Up- girl has skillz and ends up with Channing Tatum. Wait, was this real life or a movie?
  • I just thought of a funny story. But it seems like it should be put in its own blog post. So hopefully I remember that later otherwise, you'll never see it.
  • Eric Church just emailed me. Okay, not him actually, but his people. He has a new video coming out. SAY WHAT!?!?!?! I will be tuning in Friday, homeslice. Don't you worry. If you don't know who Eric Church is...we're gonna have a problem being friends. Just so you know.
  • I got accused of being on a Roid Rage Saturday night. Made more ironic by the fact that the person who made the accusation, is the one who started the events that unfolded. Also, funny is the fact that he absolutely refuses to acknowledge that the other person was in the wrong. Also, since when is ignoring someone who is blatantly talkin shit about you while you are standing right there a Roid Rage? And, while we're on the topic, stop trying to deflect everyone's interest onto me from the fact that you were holding hands with said person WHILE IN THE SAME ROOM AS YOUR GIRLFRIEND. Who was 10x more pissed off than I was. Roid Rant over.
  • Why do I think it is more acceptable to blog at work than look for a new job at work?
  • The bad thing about blogging at work is that work gets in the way plus I cannot link to anything since it's all blocked. So blogging this week will BLOW. Just skip on over to next week folks.

1 comment:

Hot Mess said...

so yeah, i'm just catching up on all your posts over the last oh, month-ish...and yes Eric Church('s people) emailed me too!!! smoke a little smoke is my fave song of his and I can't WAIT for friday yo!