Friday, August 13, 2010

Friday the 13th say what!?!?!

Bullet format because complete sentences are for sissys. Kidding people, KID.DING.

  • The internet and phone should be in working order when I get home. Thanks AT&T. Who literally arrived at my apt at 9:10 am and called me to let them through the gate. At 9:16 am they called to tell me everything is hooked up. So if fed ex delivers my modem, WE. ARE. SET. ALL SYSTEMS GO.
  • I got the nicest email last night from a girl named Courtney. She has her own blog and is running with TNT. I added her to my charity page so if you are looking for someone to donate to, hit her or anyone else on that page up. They are working hard for the money, baby!
  • Went to the gym today and did a cardio circuit. It is HARD to get up at 4:30 am and drive THIRTY minutes to Gold's Gym. But worth it to see my Gym Crush. Coincidentally we were both on vacay the same week so we're both struggling this week.
  • Tim Tebow and the hyperbaric chamber. Thanks TMZ for breaking that story. I hate the guy. Sorry Florida fans but he makes me want to VOMIT. Also, how can a college athlete afford a hyperbaric chamber (retail at $20,000). And even if the story about renting it is true, I imagine that shit ain't cheap either. WTF?!?! Also, can my gym install one of these? I'll pay extra!
  • LLWS. I don't know how many of you like baseball but I love the shit. Especially watching little kids who play because they LIKE it or they have TALENT. Say what you want about the Jersey Shore, but Toms River is the SHIT. Their teams are so good that Dover Township petitioned to rename the city after Toms River area because people around the country KNOW Tom's River. In 1998 they beat JAPAN. An entire country was beat by this town's little league team. HOLY CRAP I WISH I HAD BEEN THAT TALENTED. If you're bumming around, tune into ESPN today at 11 to watch them kick ass again (now that I said that, they'll lose).
  • UGA Football. Needs to start NOW. I'm ready for it.
  • Last but not least, this month will be a tough one as I have a bachelorette party this weekend, an engagement party next weekend and a wedding the following weekend. I'm about to gain 10 lbs in booze.


Andrew Opala said...

you used sentences sissy

Berryfine said...

Yeah its the lit and journalism degrees in me. I hate that.

Adam said...

Here is the trick to party non-weight gain.... Drink so much that you throw up all over yourself. Embarrassing? Yes. Slightly bulimic? Yes. Does it work and is it fun at the time? Yes. :)

If I thought that Tim's chamber would help me with running, I'd dive in heads first!

Courtney @ I CAN DO THIS said...

Thanks for the love!