Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Like Stuart Smalley, people love me, gosh darnit.

I just really wanted to use this for the opening segment. And the St. Patrick's Day shout out.

Kim at one of my new favorite blogs, Say What?!?!, just awarded me the Cherry On Top Award! I have got to tell you, I feel so lucky to have so many followers right now (what up 1-58!). I know 58 doesn't seem like a lot but the fact is, I have so many people come up to me that don't want to publicly admit they follow me. Every time, they tell me they love my blog so I am really feeling the love recently and am super committed to keeping this up (on a side note, remember my FIRST random follower to introduce themselves?).

Anyway, back to the award!

1. Answer this question: If you had the chance to go back and change one thing in your life, would you and what would it be?

Typically my answer would be NO I wouldn't because I wouldn't be where I am today without everything I've said, done or thought up to this point. BUTTTT, upon further consideration that is a lie. I would have worked my ass off in college so that I wouldn't be living in Atlanta doing a job that has nothing to do with what I want to do. I would have had more courage to go out and take what I want while I had the opportunity to do so with no strings holding me back (damn bills). Then again, Life In Shambles, couldn't exist if I had my shit together so...maybe the long route to those dreams is worth it.

2.The second thing you have to do is, pick 6 people and give them this award. You then have to inform the person that they have gotten this award.

Adam at I Am Boring or The Boring Runner or whatever. I don't think I give this guy enough props... oh wait, I try to link to him as much as possible because I find him that entertaining. Adam is a serious runner with like stuff to say about...running. That sounds intelligent. He also sweats out, ohhhh, about 90% of his body's water. Plus, he has a baby on the way, does sweet reviews and has foto friday. What more could you ask for in a blog?

Hey Jenny Slater. I stumbled upon this blog through a UGA blog at some point and immediately added it to my google reader. I live for his Friday Random Ten+ 5 where he focuses on one topic (ie. what you can't wear when otherwise naked) plus ten songs he's jamming to. If you like football, and even more so UGA, this is a great place to read his sarcastic thoughts on all the shit UGA does (be it good or bad).

Run Luau Run. I had the pleasure of running the Boston 13.1 with Matt aka Luau. Or rather, trailing behind him for a solid hour. No big. Anyway, Matt is as supportive a guy as I've ever met. He writes an incredible blog about his running (mostly in Vibrams, sometimes in Brooks) and, more importantly in my humble opinion, about his family. His daughter Brooke has autism and Luau runs to raise money for her and lets his readers in on the struggles his family faces as they grow and learn with Brooke. It's a touching blog plus the man knows his shit (unlike the blogger you are currently reading).

Go Speed Raser. If you follow me on Twitter at all, then you have seen me trading commentary with John Raser. He's an EXTREMELY attractive golfer who I stumbled upon through Barbie (thanks!). I'm working hard to get him to be my date to her wedding and I figure this is just another step in my master plan. He lets you in on the world of golf, spreads the word on Lyme disease (his sister has it), and is obsessed with social media. I have really enjoyed every post he's thrown up there and love reading about his rivalry/friendship with LPGA golfer Christina Kim.

Rise of a Champion. EZEthan actually has a post on my list of favorites which I am behind on updating. He has a great mix of seriousness and light-heartedness. He's been injured so that's slowed him down some (running and blogging) but he's awesome because he learns tough running lessons for us! I hesitate to call him hilarious because I don't want to add any pressure to him but seriously, the guy has my LOLing and ROFLing left and right. I live for his blog posts.

Girls Just Wanna Go Run. Mom. Runner. Twenty Something. Someone I'd love to go for a run with, shop for cool shit with and definitely have a beverage with (adult or otherwise). She hosts great giveaways and reviews some awesome products. She has big plans and goals and I love reading about them all. Even better? She's not afraid to ask for advice!

3. The third and final thing is, thank the person who gave you the award:

Kim, over at Say What?!?!, had me blushing. I'm a weeeee bit behind on the blogs I follow (and the number is getting slightly ridiculous) so I hadn't checked her out in a while. Boy am I glad I did because I got an awesome award and I really enjoy reading about her life. I found her by reading commentary on another blog I follow and have tuned in as much as possible to see what's going on so definitely check her out as well! Getting bloggy love is an awesome feeling so thank you so much!


Adam said...

YAY! I'm famous. Totally posting about this on Sunday.

(checked out the UGA football blog too - pretty sweet. Is it football season yet?)

Adam said...

BTW, by "Sunday" i totally meant "Thursday". :)