Cleaning apparently burns calories. But every site I find on this topic just tells me it does. No one tells me how or what things burn the most calories. I was too tired to work out so I am just assuming cleaning my apt will count as a workout. Misguided, I know, but I really needed that nap.
breakfast 3 pancakes
snack slimfast bar, coffee
lunch hot pocket
dinner hot pocket and salad
If you sign up for an account at, they have a calorie counter that will tell you how many calories you burn doing just about everything. Including cleaning. It it an awesome website. There is an app that will let you type in your current weight, what you want to weigh, when you want to weigh it by, and how many calories you can eat everyday to loose that weight. The best part is, it is all free. I used at the beginning of the summer to help me loose weight and it is an awesome tool.
Thanks Tanya! I really appreciate it. I think I am going to start having a sites we love section and reviewing some sites so that I can keep track of all the great ones I come across as well as suggestions other people make for me!
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