AE: Open bar engagement party...OH MY
TH: Oh my indeed
AE: Now were headed to the bar. D is driving
TH: So he did go. That's awesome
AE: Yea it's an even bigger deal that he agreed to go out. Will I get sex...NO
TH: Well
AE: Well what? I. Want. Sex!
TH: Lmao I didn't know what to say
AE: Lol well there's not much to say
TH: Well
AE: Well stop it
TH: Lol my b
TH: My cousin just told me that he is "turned on" by girls with slightly turn up noses. WTF that's the shit I'm dealing with. LOL
AE: Lol ahahahahha that's crazy! I know a cougar he can get.
AE: D is literally standing in a corner right now while I drink with friends.
TH: Oh
TH: I'm bored as fuck. I didn't want to go to wet willies with the rest of them.
AE: Come to Macon. D Sucks.
TH: Lmao u can't say that about D.
AE: I haven't gotten laid and he came out but won't talk to anyone. Yes the fuck I can. He didn't just win the super bowl. He's a damn college frat boy that he's to step off his high horse.
TH: Whoa. Ummmmmm what to say lol ummmmmmm
AE: What that it's true?!?!?!
TH: Yea. Lol so harsh but true.
TH: U got pissed?
AE: Not really. It's true but nothing to get me pissed about. I've kinda accepted that hrs lame.
TH: Lmao can that personality trait be fixed?
AE: Nope!!
TH: So sad. I used to think I was lame. Not so much
TH: Sooooo u think I'm lame?
AE: No no no!! Sorry I was on the bathroom and the then we left and got in an argument
TH: That sucks
AE: Yup :'(
AE: Well...I asked. Apparently we're not having sex because we haven't wanted it at the same time.
TH: Well
AE: Look. I'll be honest. I don't buy that shit. My ass and boobs are at a ridiculous size. Things should be slapped and jiggled like a music video. What. The. FUCK?!?!?!
TH: ROTFLMAO what do u think it is?
AE: I don't know. I don't care anymore. I just want a real answer so I can go get plowed by the guy from Sept. He wanted me to come see him tonight
TH: Whoa. R yall splitting up?
TH: I'm pretty sure make up sex is the best.
AE: Well then you turn him on for some make up sex. I'll be laying naked with my legs open for him to slide home.
TH: WTF. Whoa
TH: I know it's not funny but I can't stop laughing
AE: Hey you do what you can.
TH: R u good?
AE: Hey I laugh to keep from crying
AE: No I'm not good! I could get more sex OUT of a relationship!!!
TH: Well
AE: Well you know it's true
TH: Yeah
AE: I could be speaking in tongues. Barking like a dog. A big dog. Small dog. Dog with a lisp.
TH: Lmao pure comedy
AE: I masterbated twice before 3 pm today
TH: TMI my friend TMI
AE: Sorry...sorry. My bad
AE: I mean what else should I do?! I could be really mean of I didn't find another way
TH: We need to write a screenplay or TV treatment
TH: Or book series
AE: I'm okay with it.
TH: Ok with what?
AE: Screenplay or tv
AE: If I don't text you back it's bc I'm throwing up taco bell or Im asleep
TH: Lol aight we will just call it a nite.
AE: Ok...night!!!
I may need to go through the conversations on my phone and see if I've had any other drunk conversations like this.
Girl, I love you but I got ass on Saturday and you didn't. Remedy that shit. I don't care what you have to do.
I'm working on it...moves are being made.
Good Luck & God Speed
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