Wednesday, July 14, 2010

What the Fuck Wednesday

Ummm...okay, seriously?

I was on the bike this morning at the gym and glanced up from my ESPN magazine to catch the very end of a CBS Atlanta newscast about a dangerous new drinking trend. I literally stopped biking I was so appalled. And that is saying something considering I own a floating beer pong table, Sodudrinku, Shots and Ladders and various other drinking games I enjoy playing on a regular basis.

So what is this drinking trend?

Some dipshit trying it out.

A guy who obviously thinks this is utterly ridiculous but still demonstrating what kids these days are doing.


Am I missing something here? I thought the point of drinking to get drunk was for the FUN of it. You're supposed to enjoy being drunk. At what point is a burning eyeball full of fucking vodka (which already tastes like shit as it is) FUN? If you're that hell bent on "getting drunker faster" why not just get a needle full of Everclear and inject that shit right to the source? In fact, if you think that eyeballing will get you drunker faster it may be time to call Dr. Drew for some serious help because staying drunk 24/7 would have the same effect without the pain. Or the possibility of going blind. I'm all for blacking out (also dangerous but I won't deny doing it...more than I should), I adore the thrill of icing and I live for flip cup and die by beer pong but EYEBALLING VODKA is something I'm going to have to pass on.

Not that I won't watch if someone else does it in my presence.


Mackie said...

That ain't new, I've had chicks throwing vodka drinks in my eyes/face for years...

selina_leigh said...

Were we that dumb?

Hot Mess said...

sadly that's not the worst of it...there are kids who are taking beer bongs through their assholes as well as using vodka soaked tampons. Absolutely disgusting and absolutely stupid. I don't exactly understand how the beer bong would work but...

and no we weren't that dumb in high school.

Berryfine said...

Mackie was nice enough to share this gem with me today via Twitter: