Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Thoughtful Tuesday

Tuesday feels like Monday. Monday is Monday Musings. So because Tuesday feels like Monday...thoughtful Tuesday shall commence NOW.
  • Why is everyone flipping their fucking lids over Boise State beating Virginia Tech? First off, it's the ACC. Which is like the Diet SEC so simmer down folks. Second, it's the first game of the fucking season. Per usual in college football, anything can happen. If it were the night before the decisions were made for the bowls I could understand some freakout. But it's not. We'll get to a what if scenario if and when it happens.
  • Still looking for a job. Every insurance company out there seems interested in me selling for them. At least that is what their automated emails tell me. They also seem to be sure I want to do this judging from their assuming I will be at an interview at such and such time on such and such date. Pretty presumptuous if you ask me.
  • I am OBSESSED with Todd Grantham. He was FIRE at the game Saturday. He'd rip into the players when something went wrong and fist pump up and down the sidelines when something went right. He is the complete opposite about showing his emotions when compared with say... the stoic Mark Richt.
  • Question I LOATHE the most: "How is the job search going?" Okay, why do people ask this? If it was going well, I'd have interviews at least. If it was going great, I'd have a new job already. Otherwise, its going shitty and I'd rather not be reminded of it. Seriously, think about how you would feel if you were at a dead end job that never managed to pay you on time and struggling to find a new job. You'd hate having people ask it and it makes you feel like the biggest LOSER ever. You'll know when the job search is going well when I post I HAVE A NEW FUCKING JOB.
  • On that note, I have an interview today. All that bitching for nothing...and now I'm too lazy to delete it. Let that be a lesson to you.
  • I was bored last night. And I don't have cable. So I got sucked into Bachelor Pad. There are two couples I was down with and one of them got sent home. That pissed me off. I'll probably watch it again next week just to see who wins. I hate that about myself. Even when something sucks, I end up watching to the end just to see how it all shakes down.
  • You know when your parents told you not to open credit cards? Make sure you listen to that. And if you're a parent, show your kids the WHY. Don't just say it. And maybe show them what to look for in a credit card and what it all means before they head off to college and try it out on their own. Because they won't listen. Trust me on this one.
  • If you have daughters, teach them to cook. They should not only be able to make pasta and omelets when they graduate. I don't care if they hate it, they should know how to cook so they don't feel incompetent when they are planning bachelorette parties or invited to pot lucks. They also shouldn't set the smoke alarm off every time they cook or light their apartment on fire cooking shrimp.
  • References suck. I know from being people's references and from needing to find references. You can't guarantee someone isn't going to say something the person asking is going to like. Essentially, your job prospect is in someone else's hands. And even people who SAY they will give you a good reference won't always. Also, why have all the jobs lately been asking for personal references. I have NO idea who to put down for that.
  • My neighbor's cat went on a RAMPAGE last night at 12:30 am. I don't know what he/she was sleeping or sitting on but she hopped right down and then ran from one end of the apartment to the other for a solid 30 minutes. I swear she was running right into the wall. According to the IT guy at work, Jamie, this is pretty normal for cats. Note: if you have a cat, consider a ground level apartment for the sanity of your neighbors.
  • I watched GPTV last night. It was about the Kennedys. And I fell asleep to the end of it meaning I had insanely weird dreams. Do I remember them? Of course not. But I woke up thinking I was in Texas so clearly I was at the assassination just prior to wakeup. I have a weird obsession with the Kennedy family that stems back to my childhood. Apparently nicknaming it Camelot really spoke to the girl I once was. I actually have a book from the 60s about him that I used for a report in third grade which I thought was AWESOME.
  • I cannot focus on work knowing I have an interview in an hour and a half.
  • Cram time. Catch ya laters.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

1. I want Boise State to quit bitching about how they don't get the "respect" they deserve. really? play a team that actually matters. petition to switch conferences. win some games that matter against a SEC school or a Texas school and then ask for respect. But until then, have fun playing San Jose State.
2. No one has ever called me about you and your job search. It hurts my feelings, I feel like they do not take me seriously since my name is Barbie... hmmm...
3. How'd the interview go?
4. When can i see you again? I think I forgot what you look like.