Thursday, June 3, 2010

And the Winner is...

Okay, first, can I just say I had a softball game last night to kick off the summer season. And I've been in a bit of a slump batting-wise (and a lot of other things, too- don't judge). Anyway, I connected with the ball all three times I was up to bat though twice I got out :( Big sad face for that. BUT ONE TIME, I stretched a single into a double due to an overthrow and BARELY made it to second base. I was so happy I wanted to jump up and down but then they could have tagged me midair and how embarrassing would that have been? Anyway, the next batter hits it on the ground so I start to go....but then i realize it missed the hole and the third baseman HAD THE BALL. I immediately start heading back to second as he makes the throw. Now, excuse me, for those of you who haven't sucked complete ass so bad that people cringe when you get up to bat, you may not understand my desire to be back on that bag. At the last second, noticing that the second baseman was not actually on the bag and assuming (correctly) that she wouldn't expect it, I went to the ground. The wet, disgusting infield. Head first, diving for the bag. Not only was I safe, but I took about 1/2 of the infield dirt home with me- in my shorts, my sports bra, caked on my stomach, my legs and arms. I even had it in my mouth and all over my face. But, I was not about to lose that base. I was going to touch homeplate if it killed me. Now, I have some awesome scratches all up my legs and knees and all over my stomach. Apparently, sliding in shorts without knee socks and without my shirt tucked in wasn't the best plan of attack. But I wanted it baby.

The worst part? We lost the game. Another big sad face. But as Coach James put it, "We're never going to play this badly again this season. Way to get it out of our systems."

Oh, I'm sorry, you wanted to know who won an awesome prize pack with thirteen things?!?!?! Well, that lovely gift goes to Miss Heather, who not only donated generously but also became a follower of my blog and tweeted my contest out AND has two neighbors who suffer from Crohn's. So, I think it's fair to say that though I used my super-scientific MASH method of deciding that luck was on her side and it was fitting for her to win it! Heather, shoot me an email at and let me know your address and your choice of Words to Sweat By towel! CONGRATS!

For everyone else, don't forget about my One More Mile Giveaway!

Also, a big HELLO! to some of my new followers: Alanna, Amanda and Michelle!

1 comment:

Heather said...

Thank you so much! I just emailed you.