Friday, June 18, 2010

From the Text Files

So today I get the most awesome text convo ever and thought I should share it with you:

Friend: Did I tell you what I am doing tomorrow?
Me: Ummmm no?
Me: Blogging on XXX XXXX XXXXX?
Me: Leaving your boyfriend for Robert Pattinson?
Me: Relocating to France?
Friend: Participating in a 5K
Me: WHAT?!?!?!?!
Friend: You'd kill me in my sleep if I didn't pass on R Patz along.
Friend: Yup. 7:30 am
Me: I thought for sure I'd be let down by your response after my awesome guesses but NO! You still managed to make me spit my coffee. Well done.

Is there anything cooler than having someone tell you about something you love that they are participating in? Especially when they say they are pumped up about it?


inspiREDtorun13 said...

NO! I always get so excited to hear friends are trying out running :)

Adam said...

nice. I love how running is contagious.