Tuesday, March 8, 2011

30 Day Photo Challenge- Day 6

Day 6- someone you would like to trade places with for a day.

I know this will shock most of you but my answer is Jennifer Aniston. Bitch is HOT. You cannot deny she has a banging body. She has fabulous hair (did I seriously need to point out the girl who had a hair cut named after her has great hair?). She's pretty fucking funny in the right vehicle. She has an incredible work ethic and when she's on a late night show she seems pretty damn genuine. When the public took sides in the Aniston vs Jolie showdown, I was Team Jennifer all the way. And girl knows how to celebrate a birthday. In fact, I want to be her ON her birthday. Go down to Mexico and swill some margaritas. Bang Gerard Butler. Probably make out with everyone on the planet. Homegirl would be a SLUT if I had her body for the day.

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