Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Don't Forget!

One More Mile Giveaway here. Ends on Friday!!!

Started my new job yesterday. If my blogging suffers, I'm sorry. This job is incredibly stressful and so far the only bright spot is the gym in Building D that I get to use for free.


Teamarcia said...

Oooh hang in there with the new job!

Courtney @ I CAN DO THIS said...

Hope the new job goes well!

Kovas said...

Bummer about the new stress, but yahoo on a free gym!

Michelle said...

Good luck with the new job :) But a free gym is always a bonus. Focus on the positive!

Fruit Fly said...

Enjoy your new job - I imagine it should become less stressful after you get used to it there, right? I hope!

Adam said...

Have fun with the new gig. No worries on blogging.