Rumor has it if you write down everything you eat, you will feel great remorse and adjust your habits accordingly. Apparently putting it all down in black and white (or whatever color gel pen you happen to use) forces you to admit what you've actually eaten. However, you have to be willing to write everything down. For example, those 5 jellybeans you snuck from your client gifts while you coworkers were out of the office (you really needed that sugar fix). So really this only works if you want it to work. If you will yourself into doing it. Which would require self discipline. Which you lack.
And maybe you need some motivation. Maybe you've tried every other way. don't know who told them that the optima shit would keep your hunger away for 4 hours but it's bullshit. You would know. Lean cuisines. Why do they always contain foods you don't like? The Zone Diet... you guess if you were Jen Aniston and the whole world was following you, that you'd be able to do this ridiculous diet as well. Hydroxy cut scares you. As do any other magic pills (though secretly you want to try them and be on the infomercials having lost 50 lbs in just 2 months!). That 1/2 marathon you trained for didn't do you any favors. You didn't feel like running for training so you just ran it the day of and broke three hours and were content. You've quit the gym because it costs money. The workouts in Self are either too hard or too easy.
So you are putting it out there in the public for everyone to read. Not only will you have to document your food intake...but also some unflattering pictures, your work out log and your weight. This could potentially cost you any and all male attention you might have received. But at fat what do you have to lose? So it all starts tomorrow... stay tuned.
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