Anyway, in keeping with my theme of WOW I'M GROWING UP! I've found someone else who loves their job. So much so they use Twitter to share their hatred for life between the hours of 9-5. Check out @cubicletweets for a few good laughs and to commiserate about how shitty work really is.
- I sure am happy my college degree allows me to do things like put labels on dividers and fax things.
- assualt isn't a crime if they had it coming right?
- thanks to your face, I no longer have an appetite.
- I actually prefer that no one asks me what my weekend plans are. If they did, I would have to inquire about there's and I don't care.
- If I set myself on fire, would anyone notice?
- I'm all for donating clothes to poor families, but you all have terrible fashion sense and I don't trust your judgement.
- I think you should get out of my personal space. I have a full cup of very hot coffee that could "accidentally" get thrown in your face.
- Let me tell you how much I love my job, oh wait, I fucking don't so I can't.
- I'm so happy that I can do all your work for you so you can eat M&Ms.
- The woman in the cubicle next to me just said, "it was too big to fit in my box." It's gems like that that make me happy.
- Things I hate: work. Things I love: not working.
- I'm sorry I can't understand you when your heads all the way up our bosses ass.
- I was a damn fool for thinking today could be different.
- Warning: final 30 minutes of the workday may cause suicide.
- To everyone that enjoys their job, fuck you.
As a guy who travels a lot, @TSAgov is basically the best thing ever.
OMG love! Definitely need to start following this guy!
um. i love @cubicletweets he/she makes my day along with the other "lover of their job" ... and sorry to make you feel bad. :o( hope i really didnt!
and i just noticed. we both did twitter tuesday on the same person... hmm maybe we're too much alike...
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