Saturday, December 12, 2009

Jingle Jog Recap!

Okay, as soon as photos become available from the race I will be sure to post them for you to see! Kelly and I planned on running the 22nd annual Jingle Jog with a few other friends but they dropped out for various reasons (Shannon, Chloe, Britt- I'm looking at you!). Anyway, I picked up some Tonka Trucks and Kelly bought a cute costume for dress up to donate to the Salvation Army. We woke up at 6:45am (which is EARLY for a Saturday!) and headed to the race. I ate a banana on my way and guzzled some water. It was a chilly 33 degrees out but I was ready. After dropping off our gifts, picking up our numbers and securing our bells to our shoes, we were ready. Unfortunately, we got there just before the start so we were at the back of the back. I haven't timed a 5K recently but I pegged it at about 36 or 37 minutes so I was pleasantly surprised by my time of 32:53. Kelly and I cherry picked off a lot of people. She was a great person to run with because she kept pace with me and jammed to her own tunes. I hate when you feel like you have to keep up conversation. I did have to stop and walk for about a minute at one point because my lungs were crying and I didn't work out at all this week so obviously my body was not happy with me. All in all it was an awesome experience- definitely one I hope to continue for years to come!

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