Monday, June 13, 2011

Heartbreak Truly Is a Great Motivator

If you read Little Black Book or Life in Shambles, you have probably guessed that personal life has been less than stellar. And I mean that if you read those blogs before you came here.

In the last two weeks, my grandfather died and the guy I was talking to ended things after getting drunk and basically treating me with so little disrespect that I wonder if he was ever truly interested in me to begin with.

In two months, I will be back in my hometown and will have to see him again. This will be my first time seeing him since yesterday when he acted like nothing had ever happened. It will be my first return trip home since burying my grandfather and watching my family fall apart.

Today I marched into the gym and I looked at my trainer and I said NEW GOAL.

In two months, he won't have to wonder how I'm handling it. Instead, I will be fitter, happier and more confident than I was the past two weeks with him. My thighs will be strong, my arms will be lean and I will leave him wondering if he made a fucking mistake.

To that end, Gregg kicked my ass on legs tonight. We did squats, lunges, leg curls- heavy weights and lots of reps. He complimented me on how strong my legs are without having been doing anything with them. Then I hopped on the elliptical and did a cardio routine for 30 minutes and we discussed my diet. On Wednesday, I will head over to GNC and pick up protein powder and a cleanse.

Two months baby. I'll keep you updated on my progress during Operation Kick My Ass and Tell Him to Kiss It.
In honor of the stupid ass converse he insists on wearing no matter the occasion.


Fruit Fly said...

Well I hope you kick some ass during these two months!

I'm so sorry that things aren't all sunshine and rainbows for you right now. And VERY sorry about your grandpa. :( I hope things turn around for you soon. You're in my "favorites" list of bloggers on my reader, and I don't like having my "favorites" going through tough times. :(

...Barbie... said...

i LOVE this blog entry. And I am sorry you had a shitty trip to NJ. =( And I love your motivation to kick ass. Yeah for E!