Wednesday, November 16, 2011

I'm Probably Going to Regret This...

But probably not. Because I'm a sharer and I think other people will find this amusing. Except for the ones who don't. Which frankly, if you don't you should not be reading my blog if we're all being honest here.

Today, something surprising happened. Today, I was called rude and tasteless.

But Life in Shambles, how could this surprise you? Well, it wasn't so much that I was called these two things but rather that it got me thinking about the situation that brought it on. Half of me hopes the person who said it, is reading this and the other half hopes she doesn't because I really don't want to hear anything else from her and this will certainly blow up in my face. But, well... Here is why her comment surprised me:

1. This comment was prompted by one of my tweets. So she follows me on twitter. But clearly not often because she thinks that calling me rude and tasteless would be offensive to me. Like I would suddenly not be so because she said I was. Clearly she is unaware that most of my tweets are rude (a sampling includes the following: "I already need a drink. Today is filled with fucking stupid people." "Oh I want to kill one of my coworkers right now. You are AT THE STARBUCKS so WHY CAN'T YOU GIVE ME THE ADDRESS FOR THE CANDIDATE?" "I wouldn't be mean to people if they didn't make it so damn easy." "What the fuck? Too fat to be slutty." Just a few of my recent bitchy tweets). I don't really know why she felt the need to point it out when my profile clearly states I'm a mess sent here to make you feel better about your life (or worse if you're the idiot I'm making fun of).

2. She thought the tweet was about her. A girl I have never met thought I was tweeting about her. The tweet  was rude and tasteless in her opinion about her. It had to have hit home somewhere for her to assume it was about her. I also think it is pretty conceited to assume that I'm tweeting about you simply because we're conversing via email about something. Trust me, I have other shit going on in my world and there are plenty of other people who annoy me or disagree with me or just make my life plain miserable. And even if I was tweeting about her, can she honestly say she has never tweeted about someone else? I can't answer that because her tweets are protected and I'd have to request to follow her which frankly I don't care to do. But everyone tweets about someone who makes them mad at some point. And I would imagine it is often none to flattering.
In summary, yes I am rude and, I suppose, tasteless. But at least I own up to it.

And to end this on a fun note...

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